Why subscribe to Blockchain PM?

Learn to Solve the Problems Unique to BUIDL’ing Products on Blockchains

I’ve managed a few Ethereum Mainnet launches and contributed to others. I support ENS as the project’s part-time project manager.

BUIDL’ing products on blockchains presents unique challenges. This newsletter shares what I’m learning about solving these challenges.

Find a Blockchain Product or Project Management Blockchain Job

Despite inherent skepticism, some blockchain and crypto projects are recognizing the value product and project managers provide. The jobs aren’t easy to find though.

This newsletter makes finding them easier. I aggregate, filter and send all the crypto PM jobs I can find every two weeks.

Blockchain PM Is Free

This newsletter is my contribution to growing the crypto PM community. The content will always be free.

You can support Blockchain PM by purchasing a 5 DAI/month subscription on Fundabit. This is and always will be optional.

Hope you join us,


@cjremus / Chainflow

Subscribe to Blockchain PM

Solving the challenges unique to #BUIDL'ing products on blockchains / Helping project and product managers find crypto jobs